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 Other Social Work Services and Contacts

Social welfare

"Daily life support," provides necessary assistance to people who are having difficulties in daily life,
assures them the minimum standard of living and helps them become independent.

Households can apply at the Social Welfare Division. If their income is found to be under the minimum limit specified by law, they will receive assistance accordingly for daily living expenses, housing, medical care, etc.


All Welfare Offices
 Public Welfare Divisions 1, 2 (Chuo-ku)
 Social Welfare Division (Hamana-ku・Tenryu-ku)

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Social workers and child committee members

They offer consultation and provide community welfare to people with issues in their daily life, children, the elderly, the disabled and single-parent households.

Contact the Social Welfare Division of your Ward Office

All Welfare Offices Social Welfare Division

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Child Consulting Center

The Child Consulting Center is a public institution founded to protect the welfare and rights of children under 18, based on the Child Welfare Act.

It provides specialized counseling regarding children's issues (including child abuse), as well as support for temporary care of children in need of protection, etc.

Consultation hours

M-F 8:30a-5:15p


City of Hamamatsu Child Consulting Center  Tel:053-457-2703

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Child home consultations

It offers consultation and advice on the living habits of child, home discipline, child abuse and other children related issues.

Counseling days

8:30 A.M. to 5:15 P.M, Monday through Friday


All Welfare Offices
 Child and Family Division (Chuo-ku)
 Social Welfare Division (Hamana-ku・Tenryu-ku)

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Mother-child consultation

Consultation, advice and guidance are given to female citizens who have no spouse, with or without a dependent child.


All Welfare Offices
 Child and Family Division (Chuo-ku)
 Social Welfare Division (Hamana-ku・Tenryu-ku)

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Consultations for women

A women's counselor will listen to various concerns women may have including spousal or partner violence.

A pamhlet containing information about DV (Domestic Violence) has been created. Please read for your reference.

A pamhlet containing information about DV (Domestic Violence)(PDF:1,157KB)


All Welfare Offices
 Child and Family Division (Chuo-ku)
 Social Welfare Division (Hamana-ku・Tenryu-ku)

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Human rights counseling

Everyone is likely to deal with human rights issues in their daily life. We will provide advice and introductions to groups regarding such concerns.


Shizuoka Local Legal Affairs Bureau Hamamatsu Branch General Affairs Division TEL 053-454-1396
Hamamatsu Center for Human Rights Promotion TEL 053-457-2031

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