Hamanako Flower Expo 2024
< 浜名湖花博2024 >

Hamanako Flower Expo 2024 will be held at Hamanako Garden Park and Hamamatsu Flower Park.
The theme of this year's event is "Linking People, Nature, and Technology: Lake Hamana Digital Garden City.
Enjoy the beautiful scenery and entertainment at the two venues.

Hamanako Garden Park
Chuo-ku, Murakushi-cho 5475-1 April 6 (Sat) - June 2 (Sun), 09:30 - 17:00

Hamamatsu Flower Park
Chuo-ku, Kanzanji-cho 195 March 23 (Sat) - June 16 (Sun), 09:00 - 17:00


Benefits for Low-income Households
< 低所得者世帯に対する給付金 >

Household type Residence Tax
Households paying only the per capita tax
Low-income households with children
Conditions Households with a Certificate of Residence in Hamamatsu City on December 1, 2023
※Households of dependents of a person paying residence tax are not eligible.
Households consisting solely of people who are not subject to per capita resident tax for the 2023 fiscal year Households that fall under either of the categories on the left and have a child who was 18 years old or younger (born on or after April 2, 2005) as of December 1, 2023
Amount of benefit 100,000 yen (per household) 50,000 yen (per child 18 or younger)
Information Information will be sent from around mid-March to households that are considered to be eligible. Households receiving the benefit for households exempt from the per capita tax
In addition to the 70,000 yen for households exempt from the per capita tax, starting around the end of February, information is being sent to households that are considered eligible for this benefit.
Households subject to only the per capita tax
Information will be sent to households that are considered to be eligible from around mid-March.
※The information is the same as for households receiving only the benefit for per capita tax (100,000 yen)
Application Method For details, please refer to the notice received.
Deadline May 31, 2024 (postmarks accepted)
Other 1. For low-income households raising children, in addition to the 70,000 or 100,000 yen, they can also receive an additional benefit of 50,000 yen per child under 18 years of age.
2. If all members of your household are exempt from taxation or only pay the per capita tax for reasons such as divorce or bereavement, you may be eligible for benefits. Please contact the call center.
3. If you think you are eligible but did not receive information, please contact the call center.
Enquiries Hamamatsu City Priority Support Benefit Call Center
Tel.0120-034-053 (08:30 to 17:15, Closed weekends and public holidays)

City Website " 非課税世帯給付金 (Hikazei Setai Ky?fukin)" Search

City Website " 均等割 給付金 (Kint?wari ky?fukin)" Search

Temporary Service Counter for Notification of Change of Address
< 住所異動 届け出のための臨時窓口を開設します >

March 24 (Sun) and 31 (Sun) 09:00 - 11:30

Chuo Ward Office, Ward Municipal Services Division (1F, City Hall Main Building)

Notification of moving in, moving out, or moving to a new address by the person who is moving.

《Please note: The following procedures cannot be done at the temporary service counter》
◆Procedure for moving involving the application for a family register (including applications from closing time two days ago)
◆Procedures requiring inquiries to other municipalities, pension offices, etc.

Please note: Notifications for moving in and moving to a new address are to be made after you have moved in and started living at your new residence. Only the notification for moving out can be made before moving.

Notifications: Moving in (moving to Hamamatsu City), moving to a new address (moving within Hamamatsu City), and moving out (moving outside Hamamatsu City)

※Please check the website for detailed information on what to bring.
※The above information is applicable only for the temporary service desk.

Chuo Ward Office, Ward Municipal Services Division Tel.457-2125

March 11 (Mon) - April 15(Mon), Crowding Expected at Ward Municipal Services Division of the Chuo Ward Office (1st floor of City Hall)
< 3月11日(月)から、4月15日(月)の期間は、中央区役所(市役所1階)の区民生活課窓口が大変混雑します >

City Hall or Ward Office Tel.
City Hall (Chuo Ward Office) Tel.?457-2111
Hamana Ward Office (Hamana Kuyakusho) Tel.?587-3111
Tenry? Ward Office (Tenry? Kuyakusho) Tel.?926-1111
Administrative Center
(former ward office)
Higashi Administrative Center Tel.?424-0111
Nishi Administrative Center Tel.?597-1111
Minami Administrative Center Tel.?425-1111
Kita Administrative Center Tel.?523-1111

※Some facilities may not be able to handle some types of notifications, so please enquire in advance.
Example 1 Notification of change of address for foreign nationals (only at ward offices and administrative centers)
Example 2 Notification of change of address with printing of the new address on an individual number card or basic resident registration card (not available at some community collaboration centers)

Deadline for Application for Account Transfer of Kei Car (Light Vehicle) Tax (tax rate by type) for FY2024
< 令和6年度軽自動車税(種別割)の口座振替申込期限 >

Financial institution service counter: April 19 (Fri)
Web: May 15 (Wed)

City Website "市税 口座振替 (Shizei K?zafurikae)" Search
Tax General Affairs Division (Zeimu S?mu-ka) Tel.457-2261

Intercultural Center Consultations for Foreign Residents (Free)
< 外国人のための相談会(無料) >

Details Date Time
Mediatory Consultations between Foreign and Japanese People with an Administrative Scrivener (Alternative Dispute Resolution) April 6 (Sat) 13:00 - 16:00
Consultations with a Lawyer April 13 (Sat), 25 (Thu)
Consultations with a Labor and Social Insurance Consultant April 18 (Thu)
Consultations about Residence Status May 2 (Thu)

Venue:CREATE Hamamatsu (Hayauma-cho, Ch??-ku)
In person or by telephone (on a first come, first served basis)

Website "HAMAPO" Search
Intercultural Center (Tabunka Ky?sei Sent?) Tel.458-2170

Declaration of Kei Car (Light Vehicle) Tax (By Type)
< 軽自動車税(種別割)に関する申告 >

“Kei Car (Light Vehicle) Tax (by type)” will be imposed on owners of kei cars (light vehicles) or motorcycles as of April 1 annually.
Please note that there is no prorated or refund system for those who register or retire light vehicles part way through the year. Ensure to complete the declaration process by March 29 (Fri) 2024.

People who have disposed of their vehicle, people who have given or received a vehicle, people who have moved in to or out of the city with their vehicle, people who need to amend the contents of their declaration

Model Declare to
(1) Motorized Bicycle (Engine displacement: 125 cc or less)
(2) Specified small motorized bicycle (displacement 0.6 kw or less)
(3) Small Special Vehicles
(agricultural vehicles, fork-lifts, etc.)
Municipal Tax Division (Genmoku Branch Office), Each ward office (except Chuo Ward), Administrative Center Kei Car (Light Vehicle) Tax Team or the Inasa, Mikkabi, Sakuma, Misakubo, Tatsuyama, or Haruno Branch Office
※If you have a license plate, you can also dispose of your vehicle at Municipal Services Centers, Community Collaboration Centers, etc. (Excepting some)
(4) Light Motor Vehicles
(three-wheeled, four-wheeled, towing vehicles)
Light Motor Vehicle Inspection Organization
Hamamatsu Branch (Kihei-cho, Ch??-ku)
(5) Light Motorcycles
(Engine displacement: 126 cc - 250 cc)
(6) Two-wheeled Small Vehicles
(Engine displacement: Over 250 cc)
Hamamatsu Office for Motor Vehicle Inspection and Registration (Ryutsu Motomachi, Ch??-ku)

Light Vehicle Tax Exemption (By Type)
Reduction or exemption may be available for use by people with disabilities or for wheelchair-accessible vehicles. Conditions may vary depending on the nature and/or grade of the disability.

City Website "軽自動車税 種別割 (Keijid?sha zei shubetsu wari)" Search
Municipal Tax Division (Shiminzei-ka) Tel.457-2077

Notification of the Start or Discontinuation of Water and Sewage Services are Also Accepted on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays During the Moving Season
< 上下水道の使用開始・中止の届出引っ越しシーズンは土・日曜日、祝日も受け付けます >

Application:One week to 2 days prior to relocation.
※Contact the Water and Sewage Reception Center (see below)

Application Reception Hours
Tel. Tel.0120-09-1132 (フリーダイヤル)
◆Weekdays 08:00 ? 19:00
◆Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays during moving season (March 10 to April 10) 08:30 ? 17:00
FAX 476-8101 (available 24 hours a day)

※Pay fees by conveniently by direct debit. For enquiries, please contact General Information (Tel.474-2511)

City Website "水道の受付 (Suid? no uketsuke)" Search
Customer Service Division (Okyakusama S?bisu-ka) Tel.474-7813

Issuance of Bus and Taxi Tickets to Those with a Disability
< 障がい者などへのバス・タクシー券の交付 >

Going Out of the House Support Subsidy Coupon Program Going Out of the House Support Program for the Visually Impaired
Details Issuance of subsidy coupons (7,000 yen worth) to support going out of the house
※One of six types of cards or coupons, such as the Nice Pass (a card for both the Entetsu Bus and Train, or taxi coupons, will be issued upon request)
Issuance of taxi coupons (20,000 yen worth) to support going out of the house
Period of Issuance April 1 (Mon), 2024 - March 31 (Mon), 2025, 08:30 - 17:15
※Excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and the year-end and New Year holidays (Monday, December 30 - Friday, January 3, 2025)
Eligibility Those who will be living in the city from April 1 to the date of application and who did not receive a vehicle or light vehicle tax reduction or exemption in the previous fiscal year (2023) and who have one of the following handbooks.
※If you are scrapping a car, please complete the procedure to cancel the tax reduction/exemption stamp in your handbook.
  • Intellectual Disability Handbook, A1 -B1
  • Physical Disability Handbook, Level 1-4
  • Mental Disability Handbook, Level 1 or 2
  • War Injury and Sickness Handbook, Atomic Bomb Survivor's Health Handbook
People who fall under the following disability categories of the Physical Disability Handbook
  • Visual impairment, 1st or 2nd class
  • Lack of freedom of movement, Level 1 (upper limb, lower limb, trunk, motor upper limb/movement)
Venue Check the notice or the city's website.
QR About the Going Out of the House Subsidy Coupon Program
Going Out of the House Subsidy Program for the Visually Impaire

City Website "外出支援 (Gaishutsu shien)" Search
Health & Welfare for the Disabled Division (Sh?gai Hoken Fukushi-ka) Tel.457-2872

The Content of Each Medical Expense Subsidy Will Change From April 1
< 4月1日から各医療費助成の助成内容が変わります >

The co-payment for insured medical treatment for infants (6 years old or younger and before elementary school until March 31st) will be waived (except for after-hours visits). A new beneficiary card will be mailed to you during March, so please use the new card from Monday, April 1.

Website "ぴっぴ 乳幼児医療費助成 (Pippi Ny?y?ji Iry?hijosei)" Search

Website "ぴっぴ ひとり親家庭等医療費助成 (Pippi Hitori oya katei-t? Iry?hijosei)" Search

Website "ぴっぴ 重度心身障害児医療費助成 (Pippi J?do shinshin sh?gai-ji Iry?hijosei)" Search

Medical Expense Subsidies for Infants and Young Children:
Child Rearing Support Division (Kosodate Shien-ka) Tel.457-2792

Medical Expense Subsidies for Single Parent Families:
Child Rearing Support Division (Kosodate Shien-ka) Tel.457-2792

Medical Expense Subsidies for Severely Disabled Children:
Health & Welfare for the Disabled Division (Sh?gai Hoken Fukushi-ka) Tel.457-2212