

 Burnable Rubbish

Burnable rubbish are burnable materials less than 60 cm long.

Collection day

Collection day color: Days marked in pink on the Rubbish Collection Calendar.


Place in a Hamamatsu City designated rubbish bag and put it out for collection.
*Attention*  Do not use plastic shopping bags as rubbish bags.

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Examples of Burnable Rubbish

Raw waste 生ごみ Drain off any excess liquid.
Paper products 紙くず
Those that cannot be recycled such as tissues and nappies.
Wood 木くず
Cut into pieces under 60cm in length and 5cm in thickness and then tied together in small bundles.
*Collected at city facilities, etc. (Greenery Recycling)
Cooking oil 食べ物用に使う油
If amount is small, soak into paper or cloth and throw it out.
*1 Collected at city facilities, etc.
Futons/carpets ふとん・じゅうたん
Cut into pieces less than 60cm in length before disposing. Dispose of only a few pieces each time.
Items larger than 60 cm can also be disposed of as oversized rubbish if they are not cut into smaller pieces.
Video tapes and cassette tapes

Dispose of it with burnable rubbish because disposal as non-burnable rubbish may lead to the tape inside becoming entangled with the moving parts of the machinery.

Wooden furniture Break up into pieces shorter than 60cm in length and then tie up in small bundles. Dispose of only a few pieces each time.
Plastic products Dispose of sturdy plastic items such as clothes hangers, buckets, planters, helmets etc. as burnable rubbish.

*1Collection of used cooking oil
Cooking oil used at home (vegetable oil for deep frying) is collected at 69 facilities in the city (garbage disposal or environmental offices, ward offices, community collaboration centers, fire departments, etc.).
For details, contact the Rubbish Reduction Promotion Division (Tel. 053-453-6192).

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